{#- Macro definitions -#} {% macro legend_row(row_class, field, field_desc) -%} arch ({{ abbrs[field] }}) {{ field_desc }} {% for arch in arch_list -%} {% if stats[field][arch].cnt -%} {{ stats[field][arch].cnt }} {% else -%} {% endif -%} {%- endfor %} {%- endmacro %} {% macro table(packages, packageset=None, set_tooltip='Belongs to a packageset?') -%} {% if packages|count > 0 -%} {% if archs_by_archive['main'] %} {% endif %} {% if archs_by_archive['ports'] %} {% endif %} {% for arch in arch_list -%} {%- endfor %} {% for pkg in packages -%} {% set pkg_loop = loop -%} {% for ver in pkg.versions -%} {% if loop.first -%} {%- endif %} {%- if loop.first %} {%- if pkg.getPackagesets(packageset)|count > 0 %} {% else -%} {% else -%} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} {%- endfor %}
Package Version Set?Main archivePorts archiveBugs
{{ arch }}
{{ pkg.name }} {{ ver.version }} {%- if ver.pocket != 'Release' %} ({{ ver.pocket }}){% endif -%} {% endif -%} {% endif -%} {% for arch in arch_list -%} {% if arch in ver.logs -%} {{ arch }} ({{ abbrs[ver.logs[arch].buildstate] }})Log {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} {% if loop.first -%} {% for bug in pkg.tagged_bugs %} {{ bug.id }} {%- endfor %} PTS BTS
{%- endif %} {%- endmacro %} {#- Main template -#} Build status for {{ series.fullseriesname }} in {{ archive.displayname }}

Build status for {{ series.fullseriesname }} in {{ archive.displayname }}

Jump to: main ({{ main|count }}) restricted ({{ restricted|count }}) universe ({{ universe|count }}) multiverse ({{ multiverse|count }})

Jump to packageset: {% for (ps, lst) in packagesets.items()|sort if lst|count > 0 -%} {{ ps }} ({{ lst|count }}) {% endfor -%}

Jump to team: {% for (team, lst) in teams.items()|sort if lst|count > 0 -%} {{ team }} ({{ lst|count }}) {% endfor -%}

{% if notice %} {{ notice }} {% endif %}

Legend and statistics for the displayed data

{% if archs_by_archive['main'] %} {% endif %} {% if archs_by_archive['ports'] %} {% endif %} {% for arch in arch_list -%} {%- endfor %} {{ legend_row('even', 'FAILEDTOBUILD', 'Package failed to build') }} {{ legend_row('odd', 'CANCELLED', 'Cancelled build') }} {{ legend_row('odd', 'MANUALDEPWAIT', 'Package is waiting on another package') }} {{ legend_row('even', 'CHROOTWAIT', 'Failure in the chroot') }} {{ legend_row('odd', 'UPLOADFAIL', 'Failed to upload') }}
Failure typeMain archivePorts archive
{{ arch }}

main: {{ main|count }} packages (top)

{{ table(main) }}

restricted: {{ restricted|count }} packages (top)

{{ table(restricted) }}

universe: {{ universe|count }} packages (top)

{{ table(universe) }}

multiverse: {{ multiverse|count }} packages (top)

{{ table(multiverse) }}


{% for (ps, lst) in packagesets.items()|sort if lst|count > 0 -%}

{{ ps }}: {{ lst|count }} packages (top)

{{ table(lst, ps, 'Also belongs to another packageset?') }} {% endfor -%}

Teams (main only)

{% for (team, lst) in teams.items()|sort if lst|count > 0 -%}

{{ team }}: {{ lst|count }} packages (top)

{{ table(lst, team, 'Also belongs to another team?') }} {% endfor -%} {% if main_archive %}

main (superseded): {{ main_superseded|count }} packages (top)

{{ table(main_superseded) }}

restricted (superseded): {{ restricted_superseded|count }} packages (top)

{{ table(restricted_superseded) }}

universe (superseded): {{ universe_superseded|count }} packages (top)

{{ table(universe_superseded) }}

multiverse (superseded): {{ multiverse_superseded|count }} packages (top)

{{ table(multiverse_superseded) }} {%- endif %}

Last update: {{ lastupdate }}

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Source: lp:~wgrant/lp-ftbfs-report/production